The Benefits of Yoga For Babies
It’s no secret that yoga has incredible benefits for our emotional and physical beings, but can it actually benefit babies as well? Yes! In fact, when you take prenatal yoga during your pregnancy, you start to share the benefits with your babies in utero. But today, let’s shift our focus to the little ones.
Starting at 6 weeks old
Babies can start to join baby&me yoga at 6 weeks old. Here are some of the activities we practice in class to promote their growth and development
Tummy Time We take tummy time in a variety of ways, including using a rolled blanket, on mama’s laps, and being held on their side. Some babies who despise tummy time on the blanket will benefit better in another position on their stomach that still builds their core strength. As babies continue to grow strength here, we use toys to encourage them to reach forward which promotes even more strength-building.
Digestion Support Through touch and movement, you’ll learn ways to help support your baby’s digestion. You’ll learn songs to go with the movements so your baby stays entertained during this time. Expect gas, soiled diapers, and a happy baby afterwards!
Lengthening We work to safely stretch their bodies to promote lengthening of their muscles and reduce the newborn fetal position. Within a few weeks of class, you’ll notice your baby will be able to stretch out their necks, arms, and legs with more easy.
Language Acquisition Through the use of songs, your babies will start to learn the songs we sing each week. When they hear this song, they will know what movement comes with it and through big smiles you’ll quickly learn their favorites.
Body Awareness By singing, touching, and connecting body parts (ex: toes to the nose) you build body awareness for your little one. We offer gentle massage to the babies and use grounding touches to help them feel settled into their space.
“As soon as I implement something that we did in class at home, my son begins attempting it independently and then very quickly masters it! He has gone from tolerating very little tummy time, to loving tummy time, pushing up on his hands and reaching out to grab objects while on his tummy. He can roll back to belly and sit up almost completely independently. His ability to do these things is without a doubt due to the strength he has built during class.” - Mama A.G.
You Matter Too, Mama
While some studios promote mommy&me yoga, I purposely have labeled these classes baby&me. Why? The classes are primarily to support their growth and development. However, as a prenatal and postpartum yoga instructor (RPYT), I know how important it is to take care of you as well. What will you get out of this class?
Time To Connect With Other Mamas Gone are the days of feeling isolated on your journey. When you join our community you are surrounded by like-minded mamas to remind yourself that you are on this journey together. Many mamas use this time to ask questions, share their experiences, and feel the comfort of this judgment-free community.
Stretching All postpartum mamas could use a release of tension in their neck, shoulders, and hips! Each class you get a few minutes to stretch out aches while baby plays on their blanket. During class, I’ll offer different positions for you to take to promote better posture and reduce back pain while on the floor with your baby.
Savasana Did I just say savasana for you with your baby in the room? I sure did! Each class ends with a 3-5 minute savasana. While you have the opportunity to rest and close your eyes, I walk around keeping my focus on babies and will help soothe babies if needed. This is also a beautiful opportunity to feed your baby while you rest.
Empowerment In class you’ll learn so many ways to support your baby depending at the stage of development they’re in that you’ll notice your amount of time on Google searching for ways to encourage crawling, support digestion, and soothing your babies will decrease. Knowing how to support your baby and not having to rely on a search engine helps to make you feel in control of your journey.
“As a Mama, this class gives me the opportunity to slow down and bond with my baby! Having this time every week without outside distractions is a perfect way for me to set the intention to be present with myself and my daughter. It’s also been an amazing way to meet mommy friends and grow a support system postpartum.” - Mama M.S.
Trust The Process
Getting out of the house with a little one is TOUGH! Classes are scheduled in the mornings, but not too early, to give you plenty of time to get ready. The items I ask you to bring to class are likely ones you already have packed in your diaper bag, making it one less thing for you to worry about. Let me help you by answering some FAQs here!
What do I bring? A blanket for your baby to lay on and to clean up spit-up, 1 or 2 toys to engage baby’s interest, and a water bottle for yourself. I provide the rest of the props for you!
What if I need to feed/change my baby? You are welcome to do so right in class. I provide a trash can for you to dispose of diapers so you don’t have to leave the room. You have the option of feeding your baby in the room or stepping into the hall for privacy if that makes you feel more comfortable. There is no judgment in the room and you are welcome to breast or bottle feed in our space together.
What if my baby cries? All babies cry, it’s how they communicate with us! We will never shout over a crying baby and I’ll encourage you to soothe them however you need. If you need additional support, I am happy to give you a break. With a room of other mamas of littles, they all know how it feels to have a crying baby and no one will judge you for it!
“My daughter loves all of the poses and activities that include direct eye contact with me. It has truly helped build our bond even stronger. She looks at me when we start moving and she knows that she can trust me to support her and keep her happy. When she watches me do the poses alone, she is learning that her mama can be strong and independent!” - Mama S.W.
Now What?
Are you ready to experience these classes for yourself? We would love to have you come join us! Check out the link below to view our schedule, or use the button to email me with any questions you might have.
Hosted weekly in Rocky Hill, Connecticut