3 Gifts Babies Receive From Yoga
We all know how we feel as adults when we leave a yoga class: refreshed, loose, and more at peace. But how does yoga affect babies and what happens to them once they leave?
Bowel Movements
Just as movement helps support digestion for adults, the movements we take in class are meant to support your baby’s digestion. By pairing leg movements and massage with stimulating songs, babies will connect with you and find joy while you work to engage their digestive tract. No baby enjoys being backed up, and even though they can’t articulate it, they’ll be thankful for the support to help get everything moving again.
Not only will it help baby in the meantime, but you’ll also be able to practice these songs and movements at home to keep baby regular in between classes. If your baby has a bowel movement during class, you can change them right there and place the diaper in the trash bin provided for the class.
“Well let’s just say that almost every class ends in a diaper change- Haha!! Molly is not kidding when she says that it helps with digestion.” - Mama A.G.
Sleep and Rest
At the end of each class, mamas get to rest in savasana while I keep an eye on babies. We use the same song weekly so when baby hears this music, they start to associate it with rest. Within a few weeks of consistent attending, you’ll notice your baby will happily play with their toy while you’re able to close your eyes and invite some peace into your being.
These classes are a lot of work for your little one. It takes a lot of strength for them to be in some of these poses and with a short awake time as it is, they put all of their energy into this 45-minute class. As soon as you get to the car, you can expect heavy eyelids in the car seat behind you. A silent ride = a mama’s dream come true while baby regains energy for later.
“By using the techniques and practices Molly teaches in class, I can more easily calm my baby when we are at home.” - Mama E.P.
Caregivers and babies equally benefit from the bonding that happens as a result of this class. By being fully present with phones away, distractions aside, and looking at each other, you’ll start to learn cues from each other. Through eye contact, music, and habitual play, a bond is formed that will only help babies and mamas feel closer.
It’s not just a saying that times goes fast in the early months of life, and this class allows you and your baby to get to spend dedicated time together that can be hard to find in everyday life. The way your baby looks at you shows you the love that they have for you and this undivided time, love, and attention you give to them is the best gift you could possibly give them.
“At home I’m often having to do things around the house - fold laundry, make dinner, put groceries away, etc. This time allows me bonding time with my babe without having to think about any of those “chores.” I love being fully present for him, and he does too.” - Mama A.L.
Allow Me To Guide You
I have yet to see a parent and baby leave thinking that these classes were a waste of time. Watching your baby explore the world and seeing it through their eyes is truly magical. I’ll give you the tools when you put in the work, you’ll feel the bond and love between the two of you grow.
Classes are held weekly on Mondays in Southington, Connecticut.