The Importance of Community During Pregnancy + Postpartum
From You
Before I even came up with the initial ideas for this business, I had listened to stories from friends and family members sharing their experiences through pregnancy, birth, and postpartum and it never settled with me. Stories about doctors forcing something, lots of “I wish I had…”, or “If only I knew then what I know now” and my heart broke for these mamas. While I had not experienced this journey yet myself, I knew that this time in life was very special and although you could have multiple pregnancies, each one only happened once.
Hearing these stories during the pandemic heighten with the “if/could have/would have” portion while taking my yoga teacher training, made me even more uneasy. In my training, we were focused on the philosophies of yoga and the 8 limbs that make up yoga. So much of what I was hearing went against these limbs, and that’s when I knew that I had to do something.
“Not just a prenatal yoga studio, but a whole prenatal and postpartum community! Molly is great at connecting us all together and fostering a yoga community and safe space for everyone.” - Mama B.L.
To Me
In my initial ideas for this business, I sat down and thought about what I wanted to feel when I join a yoga class. The word I kept coming back to was community. For me, a community meant a place where you felt like you belonged, accepted and loved for who you were, and supported by those around you.
I knew I wanted to focus on the perinatal community as this is where I saw a lack of community support around Connecticut. I started doing my research and immersed myself in the birthing world. I took workshops, watched Youtube videos by birthing professionals, ordered books, and signed up for my prenatal yoga teacher training.
Then in the fall of 2020, Peaceful and Prenatal was born.
“Peaceful & Prenatal is the best! Molly, the owner, is so hands-on and willing to take the time to get to know you and your needs in your yoga journey. She even took the time to meet one-on-one with me before I gave birth to make sure I felt ready and comfortable with the stretches and breathing that I had learned. After having my son I was so happy to go back to her Mama yoga classes. She has created such a great community for moms.” - Mama N.M.
Back To You
I started this business in 2020 with the goal of helping to provide support to mamas during all four trimesters. A huge part of this support meant hoping that the support from our community members being there, understanding, and learning with and from each other would bloom.
The community that has grown over the past two years is beyond what I could have imagined. It has transformed into mamas connecting outside of class, becoming each other’s texting buddies during the 2 AM feeds, and checking in with each other from week to week.
I've taken time to reflect on how our community has evolved and expanded and how many mamas have come through our program. We've had over 140 mamas join us for in-person classes and 15 states represented via Livestream. You have built friendships inside of class, online, and have made lasting connections.
“[Molly]’s an amazing prenatal instructor that cares not just about the practice, but also about building a community and supporting mothers throughout their journey, including postpartum.” - Mama C.M.
I want to remind you that you are not alone. I am fully dedicated to this business and to making this community a space where everyone feels heard, welcomed, and supported whether you are joining us virtually or in person. Not only will I be there for you, but the amazing mamas who make up this community are there for you as well.